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How to Create a Customer Success Plan (Templates & Examples)

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How to Create a Customer Success Plan (Templates & Examples)

Jul 10, 2024
12 min read

Table of contents

Picture this: you have a strategic and comprehensive blueprint explaining how to organize personalized customer onboarding, provide continuous support, and plan for regular feature updates based on client feedback. This doesn’t just help you win clients but also helps maintain deep, lasting partnerships with them. This blueprint is nothing but a well-crafted customer success plan. 

In businesses, particularly SaaS/B2B businesses, merely offering a top-notch product or service isn’t enough. The real differentiator is the quality of support and the value-added experiences you provide your clients. A robust customer success plan is essential in this landscape. It goes beyond mere transactional interactions and cultivates genuine and meaningful relationships with your clients.

Thus, whether you’re a small business owner, a manager in a large corporation, or somewhere in between, understanding how to develop an effective customer success plan is crucial. And that’s precisely what we’re going to explore in this blog. 

We’ll cover all you need to create a plan that resonates with your customers and aligns with your business goals. So let’s dive in. 

Table of Contents

What Is A Customer Success Plan?

A customer success plan is essentially a detailed plan designed to ensure that your customers not only achieve their desired outcomes using your product/service but also receive a consistently positive experience throughout their journey with your business. This plan is crucial in building and nurturing customer relationships.

For example, imagine a cloud service provider working with a mid-sized e-commerce company. In their customer success plan, the customer success manager (CSM) of the SaaS vender identifies that the e-commerce company aims to improve its website’s loading speed and data security. The cloud provider then works closely with them to implement a customized solution: optimizing server configurations for faster response times and integrating advanced security protocols to protect customer data. This targeted approach not only helps the e-commerce company achieve its specific goals but also solidifies the cloud provider’s role as a vital partner in their business growth.

So, a comprehensive customer success plan typically includes the following elements:

  1. Clearly Defined Goals: These are the milestones you set for your customers and your business. For example, an online gardening supply business can aim to achieve a 30% increase in repeat purchases over a year. This goal would focus on ensuring customers are satisfied with their products and are motivated to come back for more purchases.
  2. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): KPIs help measure the success of the plan. In our earlier example of the cloud-based service company, a KPI could be, achieving a 40% reduction in data breach incidents for the client year-over-year, indicating significantly improved security through the company’s enhanced cloud services. This precise target allows for a clear measurement of success and progress
  3. Customer Engagement Strategies: This involves the methods you use to interact with and support your customers. It could range from personalized onboarding processes and regular check-ins to offering educational resources. Suppose a fitness app company creates tailored workout plans for each user. This personalization is part of their engagement strategy to keep their users motivated and invested.

Needless to say, it’s not just about having these elements in place but about weaving them seamlessly into interactions with your customers. The customer success plan should be a living document, adaptable to each customer’s journey. For instance, if a software company notices a client struggling with a new feature, their plan might include proactive outreach with additional training resources, thereby preventing frustration and enhancing the user experience.

Recommended read: Why Customer Success is a Crucial Function For Your SaaS Startup

Why Should You Create A Customer Success Plan?

Creating a customer success plan is a smart move for any business looking to flourish. It’s much more than just pushing sales; it’s about crafting a journey where customers feel valued and supported at every step. Here’s why it’s so important:

Keep Customers Coming Back: With an effective customer success plan, you’re more likely to see your customers return. It’s similar to how you might feel at a café where the staff remembers your favorite order. This personal touch makes you more inclined to keep returning. Similarly, when a business understands and meets its clients’ needs, these clients are more likely to stick around.

Increases Customer Satisfaction: Imagine you buy a new smartphone, and the company helps you set it up and shows you some useful features (through in-product notifications) you didn’t know about. This extra help can make you really happy with your purchase. That’s what a customer success plan does – it helps your customers feel valued and satisfied.

Builds Stronger Customer Loyalty: When customers feel taken care of, they’re not just happy; they become loyal users. For example, if a fitness app not only tracks your workouts but also offers personalized fitness tips, you’re  more likely to recommend it to your friends.

Reduces Customer Churn: If customers leave your service or stop buying your products, a strong customer success plan can identify why this is happening and address it. For instance, an online learning platform notices that students are dropping out. A good customer success plan would give direction to the customer success team to take feedback from these students to understand the reason for dropping out. Through this, they may find out that students want more personalized courses. Then, the business can reach out with more tailored learning support to keep them engaged.

How To Create A Customer Success Plan?

Creating an effective customer success plan can be a game-changer for any business. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating one suited for your business:

Step 1: Identify Customer Goals

Start by having conversations with your customers to understand their expectations and aspirations.  For example, if you’re a digital marketing agency, your client’s goal could be increasing their online sales. You can also collect this information by sending out surveys, asking them about their target audience, desired growth metrics (like website traffic or conversion rates),and specific campaign goals.

Step 2: Map Out Customer Journeys

Break down the customer experience into stages such as – discovery, purchase, onboarding, and ongoing usage. For example, for a subscription service like a streaming platform, this would involve understanding how users discover shows, sign up, navigate the platform, and interact with various other elements on the app. Identify the potential pain points and opportunities to enhance the experience at each stage.

Recommended read: A Detailed Guide to Customer Journey Mapping

Step 3: Set Actionable Objectives

Based on the customer journey, set specific and measurable objectives. For instance, for a fitness tracker software, this might mean ensuring that atleast 90% of new customers receive a personalized workout plan within 24 hours of purchasing the tracker. They can additionally aim for atleast  75% customer engagement with these plans.

Step 4: Tailor Plans to Different Customers

Segment your customers based on factors like industry, purchase power, or usage patterns and create offerings accordingly. A cloud storage provider, for instance, might have different offerings for individual users versus corporate clients, with tailored communication and support offerings for each group.

Step 5: Regular Review and Adaptation

Establish a regular schedule for reviewing the customer success plan’s effectiveness using feedback, usage data, and performance metrics. For example, a boutique hotel might analyze guest feedback and booking patterns every quarter to adjust its services and offerings, ensuring they continually meet or exceed guest expectations.

7 Customer Success Plan Templates

Here are seven customer success plan templates tailored for different business scenarios:

1. High-Value Client Onboarding

Onboarding high-value clients smoothly is key to establishing a strong, long-lasting business relationship. This process not only sets the tone for your engagement but also impacts how quickly and successfully your client can use your services. 

Here’s a focused approach to ensure premium clients have a seamless and satisfying start:

Objective: Smooth onboarding for premium clients.

Goals: Client satisfaction with the onboarding process, rapid adoption of services by the clients.

KPIs: Client feedback scores, duration to complete onboarding.

Engagement Strategies: Customized onboarding plans, dedicated support, regular progress check-ins.

1. Create a Personalized Onboarding Plan: Develop a unique plan for each high-value client, tailored to their specific needs and goals. Identify the goals during the initial calls and before the onboarding process. 
2. Assign a Dedicated Account Manager: Provide each premium client with a dedicated point of contact. This account manager should be knowledgeable about the client’s business and needs.
3. Schedule Regular Check-Ins and Progress Updates: Set up frequent meetings or calls to take updates on the client’s onboarding progress and address any concerns.
4. Provide Customized Training and Resources: Offer training sessions and resources that are customized to the client’s business to help them get the most out of the product/service. 

By carefully executing these steps, you can ensure that your high-value clients are onboarded effectively, leading to a more satisfied and engaged client base.

2. Enhancing the Customer Support Experience

Providing exceptional customer support throughout the customer lifecycle is an important element. When done correctly, It can significantly improve customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Here’s a framework to enhance your business’s customer support experience:

Objective: Elevate the customer support experience.

Goals: Reduce response time, increase resolution efficiency.

KPIs: Average response time, customer satisfaction score post-support, customer effort score

Engagement Strategies: Streamlined support processes, regular training for support staff, implementing customer feedback.

1. Optimize Support Channels: Provide multi-channel support to your customers via email, chat, or phone so that they can easily reach out to you.
2. Make use of a shared inbox: A shared inbox gives complete visibility into customer queries and their statuses. Agents can also easily collaborate on queries to resolve them faster.
3. Train Support Team: Regularly train your support team on product features and soft skills.
4. Implement Customer Feedback: Use customer feedback to improve the support experience continually.
5. Monitor Support Performance: Keep track of support metrics and make necessary adjustments to improve service quality.

By focusing on these key areas in your customer support, you can ensure customers get a prompt resolution whenever they reach out to you for help.

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3. Handling Negative Feedback

Handling negative feedback effectively is crucial for maintaining customer trust and improving your services. Here’s a detailed template to manage such feedback:

Objective: Effectively resolve complaints.

Goals: Improve resolution rate, restore customer trust.

KPIs: Time taken to resolve issues, customer satisfaction post-resolution.

Engagement Strategies: Empathetic and timely responses, offering resolutions or compensations.

1. Establish a Clear Process for Receiving and Responding to Feedback: Implement a system where feedback is easily submitted and tracked, like a dedicated email address or a feedback form on your website.
2. Train Staff in Conflict Resolution and Customer Empathy: Conduct regular training sessions for your team to handle complaints empathetically and effectively. Include role-plays and discussions of real-life scenarios to make the sessions enriching.
3. Offer Solutions or Compensation Where Appropriate: Develop guidelines for offering solutions or compensation to dissatisfied customers. This could be a refund, a discount on future purchases, or a free service.
4. Learn from Feedback to Prevent Future Issues: Analyze the feedback to identify any recurring problems or areas for improvement. Use this information to make changes in your operations or service. 

By following these steps, you can turn negative feedback into an opportunity for growth and enhance your customers’ overall experience with your brand.

4. Cross-Selling to Existing Customers

Cross-selling or upselling to existing customers is an effective strategy to enhance sales and deepen customer relationships. It involves identifying additional products or services that your current customers might need or enjoy. 

Here’s how you can implement this customer success strategy:

Objective: Increase sales through cross-selling by [X]%

Goals: Enhance customer purchase frequency and variety.

KPIs: Cross-sell conversion rate, average customer lifetime value.

Engagement Strategies: Personalized marketing campaigns, analyzing customer purchase history for targeted offers.

1. Customer Purchase History and Preferences: Examine conversation history and past purchases to understand customer preferences. This becomes relatively easy if you have a centralized hub that stores all your customer information.
2. Identify Products or Services That Pair Well: Look for items that naturally complement what the customer has already bought. A gardening supplies store, for example, could suggest garden tools to someone who already purchased flower seeds from their store.
3. Create Targeted Marketing Campaigns: Develop marketing campaigns that target these customers with personalized suggestions. This could be in the form of targeted newsletters or SMS to your customers.
4. Measure Success and Adjust Strategy as Needed: Track the performance of your cross-selling efforts and make adjustments based on customer response. 

By following these steps, businesses can effectively increase sales while providing value to their customers through relevant and thoughtful product suggestions.

5. Improving Customer Retention

Retaining customers is crucial for sustainable business growth. It involves understanding and addressing your existing customers’ needs to keep them engaged and satisfied with your services.

Here’s a detailed strategy playbook that could work for your business:

Objective: Increase customer retention rate by [X]%.

Goals: Boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.

KPIs: Customer retention rate, repeat purchase rate.

Engagement Strategies: Regular customer satisfaction surveys, loyalty programs, and personalized offers.

1. Gather Customer Feedback Regularly: Use surveys and feedback tools to understand customer satisfaction and areas for improvement. You can also collect NPS score from your clients during annual or quarterly business review.
2. Offer Tailored Rewards: Create loyalty programs or special offers based on customer purchase history or preferences.
3. Engage Through Personalized Communication: Keep in touch with customers through personalized emails, newsletters, or social media updates.
4. Evaluate and Adapt: Continuously monitor retention metrics and adjust strategies to improve customer loyalty.

Implementing these steps in your customer retention strategy can significantly elevate your business’s ability to keep customers engaged and satisfied.

6. Recovering from a Service Outage or Product Issue:

Effective management of a service outage or product issue is crucial to maintain trust and minimize the impact on customer satisfaction.

Objective: Successfully manage and recover from a service outage or product issue.

Goals: Minimize customer inconvenience, maintain trust and transparency.

KPIs: resolution time, customer satisfaction post-issue resolution.

Engagement Strategies: Timely communication, direct outreach to affected customers, compensation offers where appropriate.

1. Immediate Notification: Inform affected customers as soon as possible about the issue and expected resolution time.
2. Provide Regular Updates: Keep customers informed about the progress in resolving the issue.
3. Offer Compensation or Benefits: Depending on the severity of the issue, offer appropriate compensation, such as discounts, extended service, or refunds.
4. Gather Feedback Post-Resolution: After resolving the issue, seek customer feedback to understand their experience and to improve future incident handling.

This scenario focuses on how businesses can effectively address and navigate through service disruptions or product issues, ensuring customer trust and satisfaction are maintained.

7. Handling Seasonal Demand Peaks in Retail

Retail businesses often experience seasonal peaks, and managing these effectively is crucial for maximizing sales and customer satisfaction.

Objective: Efficiently manage increased customer demand during peak seasons.

Goals: Optimize inventory, maintain customer service quality.

KPIs: Sales volume during peak seasons, customer wait times, inventory turnover rate.

Engagement Strategies: Timely promotions, staff training for peak seasons, improved inventory management.

1. Forecast Demand: Analyze sales data from previous years to predict inventory needs.
2. Train Additional Staff: Hire and train temporary staff especially in sales team in advance to handle the increased workload.
3. Launch Timely Promotions: Plan and execute marketing campaigns and promotions well in advance of the peak season.
4. Monitor and Adapt: Continuously monitor sales and customer feedback during the season to make quick adjustments as needed.

This template focuses on strategic planning and execution required to handle the influx of customers and sales effectively during the busiest times of the retail calendar.

Top 3 Customer Success Plan Examples

Here are some real-life examples of successful customer success plans from different industries, showcasing various strategies and outcomes:

1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Cloud Platform

AWS has been instrumental in helping numerous businesses increase agility, reduce costs, and accelerate innovation through its cloud-based services. 

By offering a range of services, including computing, storage, and databases, AWS has demonstrated how cloud platforms can be tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses, aiding their growth and technological advancement. 

illustration of AWS services and their customer success plan
AWS Services

AWS’s approach focuses on providing comprehensive cloud solutions that cater to the varied needs of different businesses. Their plan typically includes:

  • Personalized Consultation and Solution Design: AWS works closely with each business to understand their specific needs and challenges. They then offer cloud solutions that are tailored to these requirements, whether it’s for computing power, data storage, or database management.
  • Scalable and Flexible Services: AWS offers services that businesses can scale up or down based on demand, ensuring cost-effectiveness and agility.
  • Continuous Support and Optimization: AWS provides ongoing support and regular updates to their services. This includes offering resources for best practices, security, and optimization, helping businesses stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements.
  • Training and Certification Programs: AWS educates its customers on how to use their services through extensive training and certification programs effectively. 

2. Apple – Product Company

Apple’s success can be attributed to its innovative approach and customer-centric products like the iPhone and iPad, which have revolutionized the tech industry. 

Their customer success plan is built around creating high-quality, user-friendly products and complementing them with effective marketing strategies and innovation. This approach has made Apple one of the most valuable companies globally.

Apple's customer success plan as a product-based company
Apple’s range of products

Apple’s customer success plan is rooted in several key strategies that focus on customer satisfaction and loyalty:

  • Innovative Product Development: Apple invests in research and development to create cutting-edge, user-friendly products. This commitment to innovation ensures that customers always have access to the latest technology.
  • Seamless Ecosystem Integration: Apple products are designed to work seamlessly with each other, creating an integrated ecosystem that enhances user experience and customer convenience.
  • Exceptional Customer Service: Apple provides comprehensive customer support through its Apple Stores, online support, and telephone helplines, ensuring customers receive assistance whenever needed.
  • Brand Loyalty Programs: Apple encourages customer loyalty through various programs and services, such as AppleCare, which offers added value to the customers.

3. Kiwi.com – Online Travel Agency

Kiwi.com, a Czech online travel agency, has become one of the top five online sellers of flight tickets in Europe. Their operations heavily rely on support operations like email communication, especially for consolidating ticket availability and prices from various partners, including airlines and travel agencies.

Their customer success plan focuses on a strong customer support strategy. Kiwi.com has been able to maintain a 100% Service Level Agreement (SLA) success rate.

Kiwi.com's customer support strategy
Kiwi.com – Online Travel Agency

Here’s how Kiwi.com’s action plan ensures a strong customer support strategy:

  • Use of a collaborative inbox: Kiwi.com uses a shared inbox, which allows the team to coordinate better and keep track of ongoing conversations. This ensures no communication slips through the cracks. This also gives the team complete visibility into email ownership, status, and team workload distribution. This helps in ensuring timely responses and effective workload management​.
  • Automating Email Assignments: Kiwi.com uses rule-based automation to assign partner emails directly to respective account managers. This drastically reduces manual intervention and ensures prompt replies to partners​.
  • Making use of insights to boost KPI and CX:  Kiwi.com tracks customer service metrics like resolution time, response time, etc., to help their team always stay on top of their game and work on improvements to enhance their support operations. 

Read more about how Kiwi.com manages their support operations. 

Final Words

Creating a customer success plan is essential for any business focused on long-term growth. Each part of the plan –  from getting to know what your customers need, and customizing your services for them to regularly updating your strategies, plays a crucial role. These steps make sure that your customers have a positive and rewarding experience with your brand.

Another important aspect of your customer success plan is the tools you invest in. For instance, if you plan to optimize your customer service interactions, you might want to consider Hiver. 

Hiver works right inside your Gmail inbox, making it easier to manage support emails. It comes with powerful collaborative features, helping your agents work as a team and resolve issues faster. With Hiver, you can quickly assign emails, track them, and ensure that no customer query is missed. This helps in providing top-notch customer service, a vital element of any customer success plan.

Sign up for a free trial to check out its features.

A B2B marketer, Madhuporna is passionate about helping businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences (CX) . Her expertise lies in crafting research-driven content around customer service (CS),CX, IT and HR. When off the clock, you'll find her binge-watching suspense thrillers or planning a weekend getaway.

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