Explore how your team can use Hiver.
Book your demo now.

  • Assign, track, & collaborate on emails across teams
  • Run a multi-channel help desk within your inbox
  • Track support analytics and build custom reports
Trusted by 10,000+ teams globally

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Hiver’s Zapier integration
Get more work done in less time

Build smart workflows and automate daily tasks using Zapier with Hiver. Easily integrate with hundreds of apps. All of this and more, without writing any code.

*No credit card required

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Connect easily with your
favorite apps

Hiver’s Zapier integration lets you automate repetitive tasks in your most commonly used apps. Save time and focus on critical work.

You can bring teams together to work smarter, not harder, by creating 'Zaps' (automated workflows) with the apps you love to work with.

Manage time better – automate
routine tasks

Define any workflow to be automated for Hiver actions – such as conversation tagging, assignment, and more – within Zapier.


Connect your frequently used apps with Hiver to automate actions on those apps.


Receive trigger notifications on the apps of your choice, whenever any defined action occurs.

Click to set upClick to set up

Click to set up

It takes only a click to enable the Zapier-Hiver integration. It’s as simple as that!Once enabled, workflows set up in Zapier will start working in an automated process.

Everything you need in a helpdesk,
now in Google Workspace

With Hiver, your team can collaborate on customer
support emails right from Gmail. No more missed emails.
No more asking around for status.

Google Workspace Logo

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