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  • Assign, track, & collaborate on emails across teams
  • Run a multi-channel help desk within your inbox
  • Track support analytics and build custom reports
Trusted by 10,000+ teams globally

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A really fast way to generate emails for free

Whether you're responding to a customer about a refund or following-up with a vendor on an invoice, our AI email writer helps you craft effective emails for free.

AI Email Generate

Enter your email prompt

Compose new emailReply to email

Email result

Loremipsum: Lorem ipsum

Dear Lorem ipsum,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vehicula turpis a suscipit consectetur. Quisque sagittis risus eget nisl pretium, sed tincidunt justo viverra. Nunc in risus et metus dapibus malesuada a ut ligula.

Mauris luctus sem ut neque lacinia, ut varius magna fermentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus fermentum turpis in velit gravida, eu pharetra odio tempor. Duis sagittis est vel lectus fringilla, nec interdum ex viverra.

Donec sit amet odio convallis, luctus sapien sed, ultrices ligula. Praesent convallis urna sit amet nisi aliquet, vitae facilisis eros fermentum. Integer vitae justo in arcu condimentum vehicula. In vel consequat turpis.

AI is generating your email...

What Hiver’s free
AI email tool can do for you

Easy to use and edit

  • Simple interface: No complex setup or training is required. Our user-friendly interface allows you to quickly navigate and leverage the AI's capabilities — right here, right now
  • Customize and refine: Select your preferred draft and further personalize it with your edits and additions to ensure it perfectly reflects what you want to convey

Multiple draft options

  • Break through writer's block: Stuck staring at the screen? Simply provide a brief about your email, and our free email writer will generate multiple draft options
  • Find the perfect fit: Go beyond generic templates! Our AI Email Writer generates multiple drafts, allowing you to select the perfect fit for your specific tone and writing style

Plagiarism-free emails

  • Originality guaranteed: Unlike generic email templates, our AI generates unique content for each email, eliminating any plagiarism concerns
  • Maintain your voice: While ensuring originality, the responses by our AI tool helps preserve your brand voice and writing style, ensuring authenticity in your communication

Grammar & style perfection

  • Error-free communication: Our AI email writing tool doesn't just write, it polishes! Eliminate typos, grammatical errors, and incorrect phrasing with built-in grammar and style checking
  • Clear and concise copy: Ensure your message is clear, concise, and impactful with AI-powered suggestions

Get started in seconds:
How to use our free AI email writer

Crafting professional emails is a breeze! Here's a simple 3-step guide to get you started with Hiver’s Free AI Email Writer:

Tell us about your email

Tell us about your email

Mention the type of email you want to create (ex: sales pitch or follow-up mail). Also add prompts to explain the key focus and the purpose of the email.

Generate Your Drafts

Generate your drafts

Click the "Generate" button, and let our AI work its magic! You'll then see several draft options tailored to your needs.

Choose & Refine

Choose & refine

Review the generated drafts and select the one that best suits your tone and style. Feel free to personalize the chosen draft further by adding your own edits.

Why use AI to write emails?

The average employee spends 4.1 hours a day reading, writing, and managing emails. That’s more than half of your typical workday. You see the problem here, don't you?

We wanted to help employees spend less time on grunt work in their inboxes. So, we asked ourselves: what if working professionals didn't have to write emails from scratch?

Imagine if you could generate high-quality drafts in seconds. You enter a simple prompt, and you have the entire email—voilà!

We did a lot of brainstorming, and we arrived at the conclusion that we can make this happen with AI. So, we built an AI email writer. It uses machine learning and NLP to draft emails in seconds.

The best part of this email generator is that you can use it to write new emails or respond to existing ones. And not to forget, it's completely free. It takes a lot off your plate at work and helps you focus on more important things.

AI Email

How Hiver’s AI email assistant helps you

Save time and effort

Save time and effort

Our email writer generates multiple draft options. This allows you to quickly choose the best one and customize it further. The AI email assistant can help you spend less time on drafting emails and more time on other important tasks.

Original and accurate drafts

Original and accurate drafts

GPT-4 powers our AI email generator. This ensures that you get precise, high-quality email drafts. With this advanced technology, you can improve your communication by articulating your thoughts effectively to your recipient.

Write at scale

Write at scale

Writing emails from scratch every single time can be time consuming. With our AI email assistant, that's no longer the case. You can write emails at scale, and provide timely responses - be it to customers, vendors, or teammates.


Is my information and email content secure?

Absolutely! We take data security very seriously. Your information and email content are protected with industry-standard security measures. We never share your data with third parties without your explicit consent.

Do I need to download any software to use the AI email writer?

No downloads are required! Our AI email writer is a web-based application, accessible from any device with a web browser and internet connection. This allows you to use it conveniently from your computer, phone, or tablet.

Which LLM is used in this AI email writer?

Hiver's Free AI email writer is powered by GPT-4.0. This ensures that you get the most advanced and accurate email suggestions.

Does the AI email writer cost anything?

Our AI email writer is available to use completely free of cost. You can access all the features like generating multiple drafts, tailoring content based on email type, and grammar & style checking without paying any fee.

Will the AI email writer write the entire email for me?

The AI email writer generates multiple draft options based on your input, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your tone and style. You can further personalize the chosen draft with your own edits and additions before sending.

What are the benefits of using Hiver's AI email writer?

This free AI email writer helps you with:

  • Saving time: Quickly generate multiple email drafts to boost productivity.
  • Improving writing quality: Enhance your emails with AI-powered suggestions for writing style,and clarity
  • Maintaining consistency: Align your email tone and messaging with your brand identity.