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How to Use Video Marketing to Support Customer Service

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How to Use Video Marketing to Support Customer Service

Aug 21, 2024
6 min read

Table of contents

From tutorials to FAQs, video-based customer service content is quickly gaining popularity among businesses. But what is it, and what’s the point of creating it?

In this article, we’ll explore how customer service videos can help you deliver exceptional customer service and give you some tips for creating your own.

Table of Contents

What Is a Customer Service Video?

As you may have already guessed by now, a customer service video is a type of video marketing made for customer service. It’s a helpful self-service resource in an easy-to-digest and always-available online format.

Customer service videos often address similar questions and issues that someone may discuss with an agent over the phone. Rather than wait in a call center queue or chat room for a support staff member to become available, these videos help consumers get help on their own time. You can make customer service videos to answer all kinds of commonly asked questions and offer businesses a means of optimizing their use of service agents.

How Video Can Improve the Customer Service Experience

It’s no secret that video is attractive – today’s consumers want to see it everywhere, from educational content to social media. And customer service is no exception. Brands increasingly note the positive returns of translating their support resources into pre-recorded video format.

More than 45% of marketers spend upwards of 25% of their budgets on content, and video marketing will be the biggest content marketing investment in 2023. This is up from 69% in 2022.

The following are examples of these benefits and how they’re helping brands improve the customer experience.

How video improves customer service

Resolve Issues Faster

One advantage of customer service videos is that they help customer service teams fix support issues faster which mean fewer frustrated customers and shorter wait and resolution times.

Videos allow customer support agents to have more time to focus on high-priority tasks and more complex activities. 

Save On Costs Associated With Support Tickets

For support agents, every minute of call time and chat session comes at a cost. While some might argue that the importance of customer care makes it essential, some questions and issues don’t warrant support tickets. In these cases, video can be a cost-effective means of giving consumers the information they need without expending unnecessary time or resources, and there are a lot more advantages if your explainer videos are placed in relevant spots on your website.

Avoid Support Agent Burnout

Today’s customer service agents deserve a medal. They take on a barrage of challenges, complaints, and questions from the clock in to clock out and often consider it a regular part of their job. A high-demand and high-stress environment aren’t healthy, and it’s in businesses’ best interests to lessen the load agents face as much as possible. Offering a collection of video resources addressing common problems can help to do just that.

Help Customers Help Themselves

Not everyone has the time to wait on hold with a customer service rep, and most people don’t want to. By creating pre-made, easy-to-access video content for consumers, brands can make it easy for those needing troubleshooting support to get answers faster and on their schedule. According to Statista, 88% of customers expect to have a self-service support portal. 

Improve The Way Support Is Given

Video is one of the most effective means of sharing information, as it’s easy to access, share, understand and digest. Research shows that people can retain 95% of a message when they watch it on video, compared to a measly 10% when reading it.

This has special meaning in the context of customer support videos as well. Visual, in-depth explanations of common questions and product issues make it much easier for consumers to understand and apply their knowledge.

Increase Engagement With Personal Content

Humans are social creatures, and it’s been shown that we react more favorably toward personal, one-on-one experiences. Brands can leverage this by creating video content that’s more engaging and personal than traditional text-based support options.

Best Customer Service Videos

The fantastic thing about video-based customer service is that there are practically limitless ways you can do it. There are various approaches for creating watchable support content, some of the most popular of which we’ve listed below.

FAQ Videos

An FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) video is similar to what you’d find in an FAQ section on a company’s website. The main difference here is that FAQ videos are pre-recorded, audio-visualized versions of this content delivered personally. 

FAQ videos are helpful because they provide concise, straightforward answers to common questions in an engaging, easy-to-understand format. They can be used in various ways – you can post them on your organization’s website or social media platform, or directly send them to customers in response to their support tickets.

A great FAQ video example is this one from YouTube, which walks viewers through commonly asked questions about copyright issues. 

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are – you guessed it – videos created to explain a specific subject matter. These kinds of videos are usually a bit longer than FAQ videos and go more in-depth regarding the issues they address.

Explainer videos will generally follow a step-by-step process to guide viewers through complex topics in an easily digestible way. You can use them to educate consumers on product features, changes or updates, and anything else a customer might need to know.

This clip by Mint.com is a good example of a simple explainer video. It details how their product works in a straightforward manner and makes great use of visuals and transitions to illustrate talking points. 

Onboarding Videos

Have you ever signed up for a new product or service and had no idea where to start? That’s where onboarding videos are helpful. This type of content provides a business’ new customers with the knowledge and tips they need to get started on the right foot. It can cover all bases, from familiarizing users with an app’s interface to identifying how to use certain features. It’s a highly effective way to support customer success.

Need some inspiration? This video by Xero is an amazing example of a simple customer service training video. 

Screen Recordings

Despite being popular customer service channels, phone and chat have limitations because it’s not always easy for agents to visualize a problem a customer is experiencing on the other end. In these cases, support reps often have to resort to describing the issue in detail or trying to walk customers through a fix without being able to see their screen. 

Some brands are now providing support via screen recordings to get around this. This method involves a customer permitting a support agent to remotely access their screen and record a video of the problem they’re experiencing. The support team can then watch the recording and provide more accurate resolutions.

Live Support Videos

A live video is any video broadcast in real time. Brands can do this through platforms like Facebook Live, Instagram Live, and YouTube Live.

Live videos offer a unique opportunity for brands to build personal connections with their customers. They also tend to be more engaging than pre-recorded videos, making them ideal for customer support.

You can also use live videos to provide customers with product demonstrations, answer their questions in real time, and even provide a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of a company.

This live stream by the popular YouTube channel ‘Awaken Your Brand With Mash Bonigala’ is an excellent example of this strategy in action.  

How to Create Help Videos

Having read all of the possibilities mentioned above and the benefits of video support, you’re probably itching to learn how you can implement it in your own business. Well, no worries – we’ve got you covered with this breakdown of what’s involved in creating professional, engaging, and helpful customer service content.

Identify What Problems And Questions Need To Be Addressed

Why are your customers calling customer support? Are there common questions they have that you could quickly answer in a video? Would a visual demonstration of how to use your product be helpful? It’s best to answer these questions before creating a customer service video.

You can start by looking at your customer support data to determine frequently raised issues. You can also talk to your customer support team to get their input on what kinds of problems customers are having and what would be most helpful to address in a video.

Use The Right Strategy And Tools

Now that you know what kind of customer service videos you need to create, it’s time to start thinking about strategy and production. It’s in your best interest to ensure that the final pieces of content you make are as professional as possible, so be sure to consider these dos and don’ts:


  • Use a high-quality camera
  • Plan your script ahead of time
  • Carefully edit and subtitle your videos
  • Ensure all the information you discuss is easy to interpret


  • Go in without a plan
  • Swerve off-topic
  • Make your content too long

If you’re interested in learning more about video and its possibilities, be sure to check out Envato Elements – it’s full of great resources and assets that make content creation a breeze.

Make It Shareable

In today’s day and age, shareability is everything. And that’s especially true when it comes to customer service videos.

To ensure that as many people see your videos as possible, post them on public platforms where they can be easily found and shared. You can do this by embedding them on your website or blog or uploading them to social media or video-sharing platforms like YouTube. You can use social media publishing tools to automate the process. 

You should also include links to your videos in your email signature and on any relevant pages of your website. For example, if you have a product page with a frequently asked questions section, you could include a link to a customer service video that answers one of those questions.

Get Started with Video Marketing for Customer Service

Customer service videos are a great way to provide helpful and engaging content to your customers. They can help build meaningful customer relationships, enhance long-term customer loyalty, and increase retention. After reading this article, you should be able to understand their value and produce high-quality videos that will help you deliver excellent customer service. Thanks for reading!

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