Explore how your team can use Hiver.
Book your demo now.

  • Assign, track, & collaborate on emails across teams
  • Run a multi-channel help desk within your inbox
  • Track support analytics and build custom reports
Trusted by 10,000+ teams globally

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Never miss essential updates ever again with
Hiver’s Slack Integration

Receive Slack updates in real-time for various Hiver events. Make internal collaboration faster and smoother.

*No credit card required

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Stay on top of all

Slack is a powerful tool that connects teams in real-time, making collaboration easy and more productive. A truly effective platform to stay organized and work easily with multiple teams.

We are taking collaborating to the next level with Hiver’s Slack integration. Get real-time notifications triggered by Gmail-based events, such as when you are assigned an email or when you receive a new one.

Efficient collaboration
inside Gmail

Receive instant notifications whenever you are assigned an email


Receive Hiver Notes in Slack notifications


Get instant updates each time you receive a new email on your shared inbox

Click to set upClick to set up

Single-click integration. It’s that easy

Enable the Hiver - Slack integration with just a click and make the most out of your team conversations. Enjoy using Slack inside Gmail, with Hiver.

Everything you need in a helpdesk,
now in Google Workspace

With Hiver, your team can collaborate on customer
support emails right from Gmail. No more missed emails.
No more asking around for status.

Google Workspace Logo

Other Hiver


Our customers love us for good reason


Hiver recently launched an integration with Asana, which is the project management tool my team and I work within constantly. This integration has significantly improved our workflow and the link between our communication and project management tools.

Michael Fivet
Michael Fivet

Finance Business Partner at Seshat Consulting
