Explore how your team can use Hiver.
Book your demo now.

  • Assign, track, & collaborate on emails across teams
  • Run a multi-channel help desk within your inbox
  • Track support analytics and build custom reports
Trusted by 10,000+ teams globally

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Get immediate customer feedback

Collect, measure customer feedback with ease

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) score indicates customer perception of your services. Hiver helps teams collect accurate customer feedback through Customer Surveys. Quantify the feedback easily to analyze customer satisfaction, evaluate service quality and identify improvement areas.

Unlimited users on Free plan No credit card needed

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Trusted by over 1500 companies across the world

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Delightfully simple yet effective Customer Surveys

  • Customers give the most accurate feedback / satisfaction ratings when asked proactively
  • Get instant customer feedback with simple customer surveys that can be inserted into emails with just one click

Control when to send surveys

  • Have complete control over which emails should contain surveys and which ones should not
  • Admins can setup surveys for all emails or enable Shared Mailbox members to add surveys to specific emails

Maximize impact with custom feedback forms

  • Personalize your survey questions for added context
  • Easily create custom feedback forms and share with your customers

Measure customer feedback in real time

  • View customers’ feedback in real-time with Customer Satisfaction Reports
  • Track and compare team members’ performances with visual reports
  • Incentivise and train your customer service team more efficiently

More Hiver
features you’ll love

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Maximise customer delight with the wide range of features offered by Hiver

Our customers love us for good reason


Hiver is a very friendly tool. As it sits inside Gmail, it doesn't give you an alien feel. It does away with the complexities of a ticketing system. Everything about it is so simple.

Christian Sibayan
Christian Sibayan

Manager - Field Operations and Systems


Loved by 8000+ teams on Google Workspace

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