Explore how your team can use Hiver.
Book your demo now.

  • Assign, track, & collaborate on emails across teams
  • Run a multi-channel help desk within your inbox
  • Track support analytics and build custom reports
Trusted by 10,000+ teams globally

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The easiest way to organize business communication

Add tags to categorize business communication emails based on type or priority. Filter conversations by tags for faster access to information.

*No credit card required

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Trusted by over 2000 companies across the world

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Create and
Customize Tags

  • Create email tags with a single click
  • Customize and color code tags for better visualization
  • Share the tags that you’ve created with your team

Automate Email Tagging

  • Add tags to emails using rule-based automations.
  • For example, all incoming emails that have word “payment” in the subject line can be auto-tagged as “invoice”

How different teams use Email Tags

Segment customer queries based on type - product bugs, payment issues, refunds, exchanges - or based on urgency - urgent, not-so-urgent, and so on.

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Customer Support

Ensure conversations around cash flows are organized. Bucket emails using tags such as ‘Accounts Payable’, ‘Accounts Receivable’, ‘Bookkeeping’, and ‘Invoicing’ for faster access to information.

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Streamline all employee queries on technical issues. Use Tags to categorize such queries into internet errors, hardware requests, software troubles, and more.

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Work more
efficiently with Tags

  • Add/remove multiple tags from an email conversation in a single click
  • Filter conversations by tags to access information faster.

Get detailed insights
with Tag Reports

  • Track key metrics such as first response time and resolution time for all emails with a specific tag
    e.g. Total Number of Conversations, Average First Response Time, Average Time Taken to Close
  • For example, you can find out the Average Response Time of all email conversations that have been tagged as Priority.

Automate repetitive tasks with Hiver.
Focus on what truly matters.

Our customers love us for good reason


We use Hiver’s Tags to highlight issues that are likely to occur again - and share them with the team. That way, it’s easier for us to revisit past instances.

Matt Smith
Matt Smith

Associate Director, OSP


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