Explore how your team can use Hiver.
Book your demo now.

  • Assign, track, & collaborate on emails across teams
  • Run a multi-channel help desk within your inbox
  • Track support analytics and build custom reports
Trusted by 10,000+ teams globally

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The simplest way to prevent customer
service crimes

Missing out on customer queries? Keeping a customer waiting for too long? Providing vague, unclear answers? It's time to avoid these.

Customer Service Crimes.
Have you witnessed these?

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Hard to collaborate on customer queries?

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Not tracking your support team's performance?

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Taking too long to respond to customers?

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Difficult to loop in various teams into customer queries?

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Unaware of what customers think about your support quality?

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Lack of clarity on important tasks amongst your support staff?

We surveyed 1200+ customers.
Here's what they have to say.


Hiver is your one-stop solution to
prevent customer service crimes

crime board
Get the survey report